Pain Management Instructions
Pain Management Instructions
Advil is an anti-inflammatory (often referred to as an NSAID – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) drug that acts in the body. It is also known as Ibuprophen and Motrin. It can be taken every 4 hours in 400 mg doses (2 regular strength or one extra-strength).
A maximum for adults is 2400 mg per day. 3200 mg per day may be safe in most adults but 2400 mg is a good amount with a safety buffer. The maximum dose of prescription ibuprofen for adults, elderly adults and adolescents is 3200 mg per day, divided into three or four doses. The maximum dose of over-the-counter ibuprofen for the same groups is 1200 mg per day divided into three or four doses. The maximum dose for children is based on body weight: 50 mg/kilogram (22.7 mg/pound) per day or up to 2400 mg per day, divided into three or four doses. More than this can damage the kidneys as the body gets rid of Advil in the urine.

Tylenol (Acetaminophen) is not anti-inflammatory at all. It acts by blocking pain signals in the brain.
It can also be taken every 4 hours to a maximum of 3000 mg per day for adults with a good safety buffer built in. Some sites will say 4000 mg per day by there are some people who are more sensitive and will get liver damage from a dose this high. Note that it is cleared by the liver and too much of this can damage this organ.
400mg of Advil and 500mg of Tylenol is to be taken every 4 hours for 48 hours to prevent inflammation and swelling after the following (but not limited to) dental procedures.