Oral Surgery Care Instructions
A gauze pad will be placed by your dentist on the extraction site, please apply firm pressure on the pad with your teeth for at least 30 minutes. If you are still bleeding after 30 minutes put a new gauze pad on the area for another hour. An additional method to stop bleeding faster is to bite on a wet tea bag. Rest and avoid any physical exertion for at least two days. DO NOT SMOKE, DRINK HOT FLUIDS, rinse vigorously, or drink through a straw.
Avoid alcohol and smoking for the first two weeks after surgery, as you will compromise your healing and increase the risk of infection and “Dry Socket”
Swelling and Pain
Your mouth will be numb for a period of time following your extraction. When your mouth is numb, be careful not to bite your cheeks, lip or tongue. It is normal to have some discomfort and swelling after surgery. The amount of discomfort depends upon the kind of surgery you have had, how healthy you are generally and how active you are. You can reduce the pain and swelling by taking your pain medication, as prescribed, before the freezing wears off. You can reduce swelling by applying cold packs on the swollen area; 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off for the first 24 hours after surgery. Make sure that your ice pack is wrapped in a towel. The swelling may last for five to seven days and may be followed by bruising which could last up to two weeks following surgery.

Home Hygiene
Brushing the surgical site gently with a soft bristled toothbrush is crucial to the success of your healing. Brushing will prevent inflammation and buildup of bacteria leading to infection. Avoid mouth washes other than any that have been prescribed as they may injure healing tissues. If you feel that you need to rinse, use plain warm water only. Please note that sutures may have to be removed as well as any non-resorbable membranes. Please call the office if sutures or membranes are a bother DO NOT REMOVE THESE ON YOUR OWN
Sinus Lift Patients
The sinus lift is performed to increase the height of bone available for your implant(s). It is imperative that you follow the instructions listed below carefully to maximize your healing and improve the long-term outcome of your sinus lift and dental implant(s).
Do NOT blow your nose for at least 7 days, as the pressure will delay or damage your sinus healing. If you have to sneeze, do NOT hold it back — sneeze out. Open your mouth and try to minimize the pressure in your nasal/sinus passages. Do not drink through a straw. This creates suction, which may damage a healing clot. You may drink out of a cup or bowl, or use a spoon. Do not smoke because smoking reduces the blood flow, contaminates the healing wound, and frequently leads to infections.
Drink lots of fluids, and eat soft nutritious foods. Avoid alcohol and hot liquids. Begin eating solid foods when you can chew comfortably and try to chew food on the side opposite the extraction site.
Your dentist may prescribe pain medication or an antibiotic for you. Take only as prescribed.400mg of Advil + 500mg of Tylenol is to be taken every 4 hours for 48 hours to prevent inflammation and swelling.
If you are having a problem with prolonged or sever pain (which is NOT responding to your prescribed pain medication) swelling or prolonged bleeding please call the office. If it is after hours, please send a TEXT MESSAGE directly to Dr. Michaluk 250 508 6667